Sunday, November 11, 2018

Zoxe Project Status - October 2018

Well, fudgepickles.  Halloween came and went and I never once thought about doing a ZPS.  It's now almost halfway through the month, but I'd still like to make the entry.

Honestly, though, I've been limping along with a persistent case of black death (sinus infection) and the last week really hasn't been all that productive anyway.

1. On the Table:
  • Shadows of Brimstone - This will be a single entry here because it's been THE THING going on.  I updated my storage, inventoried expansions and cards, and otherwise just plain got organized.  I dug out some long lost expansions from my pile of shame and the long term storage shelf and got them painted.  Derelict Ship, Sand Kraken, and Nun with a Gun are done while the Doomsday Device is nearly complete and the Depth Tracker is in primer.  We even started a new 2p campaign, based on a story arc that I sketched out.  
2. Gaining Momentum:
  • Fall Chores - The weather held nicely, and before my sinus infection settled in, I dropped 4 dead trees and carved a small path through the back part of our woods.  I've got a few more to go, and a lot of trail to cut, but it's been a good Fall so far.  Now if I can just get through the Holidaze and see if early December will cooperate.
  • PAX Unplugged - PAX-U is at the end of the month.  There's a little bit of hype building about the event, although I don't know what events/classes we'll even attempt to get into.  But, we're looking forward to returning to Philly, being in a better hotel position (we're in the Marriott this time; the Hampton Inn was fine but was on the wrong side of the hall), and eating some of their outstanding downtown food.
  • Dropfleet Commander - The UCM fleet is still (still!) on my table but hasn't been touched while I process all the Brimstone stuff.  Honestly, I got tired of painting that color gray and the tedium of fixing panel lines.  But, I think I'm in a place where I can bang out the rest of the cruisers and maybe finish the New York class battleship and take a small squadron to PAX-U for display/contest.
3. Losing Traction:
  • KDM Wave 2 - I'll leave this here (again); no shipping updates yet on Wave 3 and I've yet to have need for any of the expansions.  
4. Going, going, gone.
  • N/A 

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